Is the NEW ICHRA Just Like Mighty Mouse?

As of May 2, 2020, more than 27 million hard-working Americans lost their employer-sponsored health insurance.  Prior to COVID, small to mid-sized businesses struggled to provide a competitive benefits package for their employees due to limited options that are too expensive to administer and sustain.  COVID has only made this worse, leaving employers hoping their superhero would fly in to save the day and help provide a custom benefits plan.

Here ICHRA comes to save the day!  The HRA employers need to save their employee benefits - the Individual Coverage HRA!

The BASE® Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) is a tax-advantaged health benefit used to reimburse employees for personal health care expenses, such as individual health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses.  The ICHRA provides a health benefit to better fit the needs of many businesses, regardless of size.  It allows for the opportunity to increase flexibility and employee choice by designing a reimbursement that works for the business for their employees’ individually purchased insurance.

The NEW ICHRA is small, but mighty, and has both the employer and employee realizing benefits.


  • No Size Restrictions. The ICHRA is available to any size employer. 
  • Employer Satisfaction. Will attract and maintain employees with an increased benefits package. 
  • Tax Benefit. All reimbursements to employees are 100% deductible as a business deduction. 
  • Controlled Funding Limits. Employer has the freedom to choose the level of reimbursement for their employees.
  • Savings. Saving valuable money by not providing a traditional group health plan.


  • Cost Savings. Employees have additional money to help pay for their health care premiums and/or other qualified medical expenses. 
  • No Taxes. All reimbursements are tax-free to the employee. 
  • Easy to get reimbursed for medical expenses.

The ICHRA will allow employers to set a budget and help create some health care predictability.  With all the flexibility the ICHRA provides, this employee benefit is the “Mighty Mouse” an employer has been looking for.  For more information, call BASE® at 888-386-9680 to discuss the ICHRA or visit

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