BASE® Integrated HRA


BASE Integrated HRA

The BASE® Integrated Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), sometimes referred to as a Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP), provides a means for employers who are looking to keep the cost of group health insurance coverage affordable for both the employer and their employees.

This plan helps employers cut health care costs by shifting more responsibility to their employees regarding the management of their health care expenses. Plus, all reimbursements are 100% deductible as a business expense.

With the flexible design of the BASE® Integrated HRA, any employer can take advantage of its tax savings. Here are some reasons why an employer would adopt this type of plan:

Contain costs associated with traditional forms of health care:
By coupling a group health insurance plan with the BASE® Integrated HRA, employers are able to suppress the yearly increases most commonly associated with traditional forms of health care.

Offer additional benefits to employees besides health insurance:
Employers can utilize the BASE® Integrated HRA to enhance and expand their benefit plan to retain and attract quality employees. The BASE® Integrated HRA gives employers the flexibility to help their employees pay for medical expenses not covered by their health insurance.

With the BASE® Integrated HRA, employers benefit by having a flexible benefit plan that can be tailored to fit employer needs. This plan offers a portable benefit option that works with any carrier, health insurance plan, or group benefit plan. Since there are no restrictions on the type of health plan that can be paired with an HRA, it can also be layered with other health benefit plans, such as the BASE® 125 Cafeteria Plan.

Provide easy-to-use plan for all employers:
From initial set-up to maintenance over the life of the BASE® Integrated HRA, your clients will find that we take care of all the work for them and provide all of the necessary documentation.

In addition, the Integrated HRA does NOT need to be funded prior to incurring the expenses. Instead, the employer reimburses eligible expenses once they have actually been incurred, following enrollment into the plan. Without having to directly fund the account, this does not tie up funds that the employer could be utilizing elsewhere.