
This website is published and maintained by BASE® (Benefit Administration for the Self-Employed™). All information contained within is protected by copyright laws of the United States. This information is presented as a service to our clients, potential clients and stakeholders.

While reasonable efforts have been and will be made to keep the information on this website accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee this. Furthermore, it is important to note that our product(s) may be administered differently depending on the state in which your business resides. As a result, our product(s) may be administered or governed by different requirements, rules, principles and interpretations depending on current state statutory, regulatory and legislative requirements, rules, principles and interpretations. Any business interested in a BASE® product should contact a BASE® representative to determine specific product eligibility requirements and state by state variances. Please check local, state and federal laws for further guidance regarding their impact on the products that we offer. A determination of whether a specific BASE® product is appropriate for your business cannot be made based solely on information from our website.

Also, tax savings figures on our site are based upon averages generated from prior years’ client data. While these examples give a general idea of the savings our products bring, they will not necessarily hold true for every business situation and should not, therefore, be considered indicators of what savings your business might experience. Thus, these should only be interpreted as a rough guide.

This website is not intended to provide legal or tax advice of any nature regarding the administration of our products. BASE® also reserves the right to make changes to www.agenttoolbox.com and our Disclaimer at any time. We encourage everyone to periodically review our site to check for updates or changes to these terms.